WebGL MNIST learning
We have transcoded a simple neuron network learning MNIST dataset from python to WebGL. We use our WGLMatrix library to process all linear algebra computations.
The full learning may take a few tens of minutes.
Controls :
The whole dataset may be too large for you graphic card memory. If it overflows, the WebGL context is killed. You need to refresh this webpage and to try again with a reduced version of the dataset.
Network hyperparameters :
- Input layer : 784 neurons (28x28 pixel digit image)
- Hidden layer : 30 neurons
- Output layer : 10 neurons (1 per digit)
fully connected
Learning parameters :
Monitoring :
Logging console :
References :
- Chapter 1 (Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits) of Michael Nielsen's online book, Neural networks and deep learning : It details the neural network used,
- Direct download link to the MNIST neural network written with Python/Numpy on which this example is based (MIT license).
- We use JSON converted MNIST data from ConvnetJS repository (MIT license)